Your satisfaction is our number one priority.

Our various avenues for customer support and services are designed to maximize the value of your investment by ensuring that your users leverage all the benefits daVinci Retail can deliver. We recognize our customers expect more than just product support and issue exchange. To us, it isn’t simply a transaction; having the insight and tools to understand and react to the broader issues our customers have is what sets us apart from the rest.

Multi-Channel Support

Like everything else we do, we take a holistic approach to retail support. Sure, an issue is oftentimes just related to the application. Just as often, though, it highlights user training or business process opportunities. Businesses want a partner who will help them accomplish their goals through enhanced professional service offerings, of which traditional support is just one aspect. Customers demand great self-service options and rapid responses without losing the option of engaging with a human being.

Rather than relying just on email and phone communications, daVinci Retail now provides support through an in-app live chat:

  • Readily available and trained agents for all channels
  • Contact resolution tools for live troubleshooting
  • A hands-on solution to deliver a superior customer experience

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

A key aspect of any merchandising organization is the team’s ability to effectively communicate with each other and with other internal or external partners. That’s why we’ve incorporated our announcement functionality for all daVinci applications.

  • Share up to date and relevant information to the whole user community.
  • View daVinci Retail announcements highlighting the latest product release as well as other news and information updates.

Insight Driven Improvements

At  daVinci Retail, we see customer issues as a great source of feedback. High volume questions and support areas are key sources for product and feature enhancements. Our central repository for all customers provides valuable insight such as common ticket issues; ticket volume can help clarify specific application areas requiring updates or greater efficiency. Part of our mission is to constantly monitor all avenues to ensure our customers’ needs are being met.

We’re here to ensure your success throughout your whole journey!

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